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What Kind of Psychedelic Use Is Protected by the Law?

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What Kind of Psychedelic Use Is Protected by the Law?

On August 13th, armed officers of the Oakland City Police Department busted into the Zide Door Church of the Entheogenic Plants, seizing $200,000 in cash, cannabis, and magic mushrooms. Zide Door is the latest example of a group holding psychedelic ceremonies who claim their actions are legal under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a 1993 law that provided legal protection for the spiritual use of psychedelics. But what kind of psychedelic use does this law protect? 

Lawyer Dan Peterson joins Lucid News to help navigate the complexities of religious freedom and entheogens in the U.S. He also discusses his vocational organization for educating plant medicine practitioners about legal safety.

Peterson can be reached at, and found on Instagram: @danpeterson.

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