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Prepare Your Prayer

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Prepare Your Prayer

The poet NIMHBLE offers a poem from his archive to mark the autumn equinox. Read and listen to an offering never known, always altered, on the range of change.

pŌŌl yOur pOtential:


pŌŌl yOur pOtential:

For the power of your purpose!

With Quintessential Quicksilver 

(Liquified magic in the making)

âmâlgâmâte the Mercurial”

For the combination, of 

the unpredictable,

Saturates the soul;

With a multiplication of moments;

With unknown outcomes.

Entertain the implausible. 

Execute the impossible. 

For EveN after, EveR-after,

“Efforts” what we’re after. 

Let’s begin.

the Precision of the vision;

Quite Concise. 

Could consequences quell the course?

QueSTing after questions.

Could your Concerns, keep you,

From accomplishments??


within the fields –

of your perception.

Today, tomorrow, yesterday; 

Unfolded in perfection 

Wrapped-in, “what could be”,

Seems to Me, to be,

What I’m about, to BE about,

And probably perhaps,

What I may-have, 

always have-been. 

Seek the answers,

To the riddles…

⚡️Like all who think like Sphinx 

Common queries 

Contain the curiosities

In this continuum,

Of cooperative collaboration;

congealed when enough of us,

Have had enough,

Of what is being offered;

stand to seek the sleekness in the coffers” 

Back to, “what could be!”

Back to you! & back to me

What IF, your “what if’s”,

were Not-so-unobtainable?

follow those, who follow-through 

& Forget-not-those, who fail 

to follow their heart.

For, we ALL could use 


Especially when 

a “special one”,

Attempts to try,

To take-on 


How’s-about, you-say, “we’ll play”

And mean it, when I redeem it. 

For I need it, more than often,

(All too oFFin’)

Oftentimes, it’s all I do. 

See Also
Ken Jordan

You’re gruff & tough, I get it.

So-serious, in Life’s affairs.

We-all could-use, 

mör-joy, in fact.

Let’s mix-it-in!


And see what it will bring 

Prepare your prayer 🙏

& obliterate despair.

With a dare to repair,

those unaware.

Let’s work in random-order;

from about, the inside-out.

We’ll never know, til’ we begin; 

If-it’s-worthy / worth the win.

Let’s just do it! (For awhile)

We can stop After –

we begin.

All actions, act as axes 🪓

Halving wholes Therein.

Haven’t you had enough?

(Of all the same?)

The name of this game 

Is, “never-known”

Always altered, 

On the range of change 

What could be, could be great!

If only, if all would attempt to:

Reach outward, from the all-too-known 

For the laws of life love laughter. 

I’ll see yOU

in the, “here on after” 

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