How Opioid Dependency and Ibogaine Helped Me Deprogram From an Oppressive Society
“I often work with people in coming up with new ways to understand their drug use. One of those things is deprogramming from the concept of powerlessness. Most of us [drug users] have been disconnected from our own inner power, wisdom, and intuition from a very young age. So the last thing that we need to do is force them to say that they are powerless. People need to be reconnected to their power.”
In this episode of Adventures of the Psyche, we are joined by Juliana Mulligan, who shares how her experiences with opioids and ibogaine helped her better understand oppressive societal structures, overcome the lifelong impacts from childhood bullying, and support others in navigating their substance use issues.
Juliana Mulligan has been an active member of the ibogaine community for nearly a decade, having worked in three ibogaine clinics, completed Andrew Tatarsky’s IHRP training, and presented at multiple psychedelic and harm reduction conferences. She is currently working on her MSW at Hunter College, and under her current business, Inner Vision Ibogaine, works to therapeutically support people in preparation and integration for their treatment.
Join filmmaker and host Mareesa Stertz for a brief visit into other realms where guests share personal stories of illumination, healing, and transformation through their use of psychedelics. See more Adventure of the Psyche episodes here.