How LSD Helped Me Stop Hating the World and Start Loving Myself

“When I got home I got a mirror and I looked at myself. It was the first time I looked at myself and didn’t see a loathing self-critic. I saw someone with loving eyes, and a self acceptance that I hadn’t known before.”
In this episode of Adventures of the Psyche we are joined by Yarelix Estrada, whose first trip with LSD turned into an adventure that taught her how to stop hating the world and start loving herself.
Yarelix is a first-generation Central American, drug policy and harm reduction researcher, community outreach worker for overdose prevention and psychedelic community organizer. She is currently working as a City Research Scientist with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene conducting community-based substance use harm reduction outreach and research.
Join filmmaker and host Mareesa Stertz for a brief visit into other realms where guests share personal stories of illumination, healing, and transformation through their use of psychedelics. See more Adventure of the Psyche episodes here.